Dark tourism literature
Thematic listing
This bibliography is the result of extensive research conducted March – May 2016 as the first phase of the AHRC and LABEX-funded project ‘Dark tourism’ in comparative perspective: sites of suffering, sites of memory (AH/N504555/1; details here: http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/projects?ref=AH/N504555/1). This project seeks to explore, in comparative perspective, the relationship between memory, place, cultural heritage, colonialism and public understandings of suffering and imprisonment. The research offers a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach to the field of dark tourism, challenging any previous perception of the field’s Anglophone biases. It focuses in particular on former sites of suffering, incarceration and genocide, and explores the increasing engagement with these locations by the heritage industry by drawing on a broad range of disciplinary expertise including history, sociology, anthropology, comparative cultural studies, museum studies. Through an initial review of existing literature, the project seeks to establish a common framework of meaning which captures the similarities but also the distinctiveness of the evolution of theory around ‘dark tourism’ in France and the UK. It will then develop two specific strands of activity relating to: (i) cultures of penal and convict incarceration in France, the UK, Tasmania, and New Caledonia, and (ii) recent museums and memorials relating to the Holocaust and the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda. The team are interested at the same time in related questions of slavery-related tourism. This bibliography is part of the first phase of research.
All texts listed have primarily been located via online searches conducted through the University of Liverpool’s Discover database, Google Books and Amazon.co.uk based on the search terms ‘dark tourism’, ‘thanatourism’, ‘penal heritage’ or ‘prison tourism’ and ‘slavery tourism’. These searches returned a substantial number of results from which the below list has been compiled. Any text containing one or more of the search terms listed in its title has been included here. Additionally, where one or more of the five key search terms used was present in a text’s abstract or listed as a keyword and the abstract engaged with tourism to sites of suffering, or memorials and museums dedicated to traumatic histories, these studies were also included.
The following bibliography reflects the particular emphases of the current project. Texts referenced below have been grouped thematically into eleven sections to show how – in our view – trends and clusters of activity have formed within the broad field of ‘dark tourism’ studies. Within each section, references have been ordered chronologically to show how each trend or cluster has developed. In addition to an initial overview of more general and foundational material, these eleven sections are:
- Genocide, massacre and atrocity memorials, museums and tourism
- Slavery commemoration, tourism and memory
- Penal heritage and crime tourism
- Battlefield and conflict tourism
- Poverty and slum tourism
- Dark tourism and travel writing
- Disaster tourism
- Pilgrimage as dark tourism: mass murder and celebrity death
- Dark tourism, public memory and museology
- Ruins, decay and dark tourist sites
- Dark tourism and development of the heritage sector.
Additionally an initial list (Dark tourism and thanatourism: contours, concepts and edited collections) presents texts that are primarily conceptual or theoretical in approach: texts which are attempting to shape the contours of the academic field of ‘dark tourism’ studies, define its key terms, or are collecting together a group of texts that span the field at a particular moment.
This bibliography, though extensive, cannot aim to provide a comprehensive listing of texts in the field of dark tourism studies and its cognate areas. Emphasis has primarily been on identifying and listing relevant texts in the English language (a parallel activity on French-language material is being conducted by the project partners in France). It is not intended that this bibliography systematically represents dark tourism literature in all languages. However, where our searches have returned references to relevant texts in languages other than English, and these are relevant to the core focus of this project, these have been included. As the project evolves, further comparative work will emerge.
If you are aware of a text that engages with the subjects listed above and want to suggest an addition to this bibliography, please get in touch with: hlpayne@liverpool.ac.uk
Dr Wendy Asquith
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Liverpool
Dark tourism and thanatourism: contours, concepts and edited collections
Reader, I. and Walter, T. (eds) (1993) Pilgrimage in Popular Culture, Basingstoke: Macmillian
Rojek, C. (1993) Ways of Escape: Modern Transformations in Leisure and Travel, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Dann, G. (1994) ‘Tourism the nostalgia industry of the future’, in W. Theobald, Global Tourism: The Next Decade, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann
Foley, M. and Lennon, J.J. (1996) ‘Editorial: heart of darkness’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2.4, 195-197
Seaton, A.V. (1996) ‘Guided by the dark: from thanatopsis to thanatourism’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2.4, 234-244
Dann, G. (1998) ‘The dark side of tourism’, Études et rapports. Série L, Sociologie/Psychologie/Philosophie/Anthropologie 14, Aix-en-Provence: Centre International de Recherches et d’Etudes Touristiques.
Uzzell, D. and Ballantyne, R., (1998) ‘Heritage that hurts: interpretation in a postmodern world’, in D. Uzzell and R. Ballantyne (eds) Contemporary issues in heritage and environmental interpretation, 152-171
Seaton, A. V. (2000) ‘Thanatourism’, in J. Jafari (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Tourism, London: Routledge
Seaton, A.V. and Lennon, J.J. (2004) ‘Thanatourism in the early 21st century: moral panics, ulterior motives and alterior desires’, in T. V. Singh (ed.) New Horizons in Tourism: Strange Experiences and Stranger Practices, Wallingford: CAB International, 63-83
Sharpley, R. (2005) ‘Travels to the edge of darkness: towards a typology of dark tourism’, in C. Ryan, S. Page and M. Aicken (eds) Taking Tourism to the Limits: Issues, Concepts and Managerial Perspectives, London: Elsevier, 215-226
Stone, P.R. (2005) ‘Dark tourism consumption: a call for research’, e-Review of Tourism Research, 3(5.2) 109-117 (http://works.bepress.com/philip_stone/)
Swain, H. (2005) ‘From Hi-de-Hi to the Hindu Kush’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 12 August, (1704) 38-39
Tarlow, P. (2005) ‘Dark tourism: the appealing “dark” side of tourism and more’, in M. Novelli (ed.) Niche Tourism: Contemporary Issues, Trends and Cases, London, Elsevier, 47-58
Tumarkin, M. (2005) Traumascapes: The Power and Fate of Places Transformed by Tragedy, Carlton: Melbourne University Press
Mohanty, M. (2006) ‘Walk on the dark side’ The Hindu, <http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-features/tp-sundaymagazine/walk-on-the-dark-side/article3219384.ece> (accessed 18 March 2016)
Stone, P.R. (2006) ‘A dark tourism spectrum: towards a typology of death and macabre related tourist sites, attractions and exhibitions’, Tourism, 54.2, 145-160
Wight, A.C. (2006) ‘Philosophical and methodological praxes in dark tourism: Controversy, contention and the evolving paradigm’, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 12.2, 119-129
Dunkley, R. A. (2007) ‘The thanatourist: collected tales of the thanatourism experience’, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis (PhD), Cardiff Metropolitan University
Dunkley, R. A. (2007) ‘Re-peopling tourism: a “hot approach” to studying thanatourist experiences’, in I. Ateljevic, A. Pritchard and N. Morgan (eds) Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Innovative Research Methodologies, London: Elsevier, 371-385
Dunkley, R.A., Westwood, S. and Morgan, N. (2007) ‘A shot in the dark? developing a new conceptual framework for thanatourism’, Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 1.1, 54-63
Ashworth, G.J. (2008) ‘The memorialization of violence and tragedy: human trauma as heritage’, in B. Graham and P. Howard (eds) The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate , 231-244
Stone, P.R. and Sharpley, R. (2008) ‘Consuming dark-tourism a thanatological perspective’, Annals of Tourism Research, 35, 574-595
Bowman, M.S. and Pezzullo, P.C. (2009) ‘What’s so “dark” about “dark tourism”?: Death, tours and performance’, Tourist Studies, 9.3, 187-202
MacAmhalai, M. (2009) ‘The dialectics of dark tourism’, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis (PhD), University of Ulster
Robb, E. M. (2009) ‘Violence and recreation: vacationing in the realm of dark tourism’, Anthropology and Humanism, 34.1, 51-60
Seaton A.V. (2009) ‘Thanatourism and its discontents: an appraisal of a decades work with some future issues and directions’, in T. Jamal and M. Robinson (eds) The Sage Handbook of Tourism Studies, London: Sage, 521-541
Sharpley, R. and P.R. Stone (2009) The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism, Bristol: Channel
Seaton, A.V. (2009) ‘Purposeful otherness: approaches to the management of thanatourism’, in R. Sharpley and P. Stone, (ed.) The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism, Bristol: Channel, 75-108
Coote, D. (2010) ‘Exploitation or healthy interest? An analysis of dark tourism’, The Jeju Weekly, <http://www.jejuweekly.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=776> (accessed 4 March 2016)
Lennon, J. J. (2010) ‘Dark tourism: selective interpretation and development’, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis (PhD), Glasgow Caledonian University
Smith, M., MacLeod, N. and Hart Robertson, M. (2010) Key Concepts in Tourist Studies, London: Sage. 35-40
Dale C. and Robinson, N. (2011) ‘Dark tourism’, in P. Robinson et al. (eds) Research Themes for Tourism, Wallingford: CABI, pp.205-217
Knudsen, B. (2011) ‘Thanatourism: witnessing difficult pasts’, Tourist Studies, 11.1, 55-72
Sharpley, R. and P.R. Stone (2011) Tourist Experiences: Contemporary Perspectives, London: Routledge
Stone, P.R. (2011) ‘Dark tourism: towards a new post-disciplinary research agenda’, International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 1(3/4) 318-332
Casbeard, R., and Booth, C. (2012) ‘Post-modernity and the exceptionalism of the present in dark tourism’, Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism and Recreation Research, 4.1, 2-8
Chronis, A. (2012) ‘Between place and story: Gettysburg as tourism imaginary’, Annals of Tourism Research, 39.4, 1797-1816
Johanson, M. (2012) ‘Dark tourism: understanding the attraction of death and disaster’, International Business Times, <http://www.ibtimes.com/dark-tourism-understanding-attraction-death-and-disaster-696604> (accessed 7 April 2016)
Korstanje, M. and Ivanov, S. (2012) ‘Tourism as a form of new psychological resilience: the inception of dark tourism’, Cultur: Revista de Cultura e Turismo, 6.4, 56-71
Margaine, S. (2012) Forbidden places: Exploring our Abandoned Heritage, Versailles: Jonglez
Reisz, M. (2012) ‘“Death-defying” or “death-denying”? Scholars probe our holidays in hell’, Times Higher Education, 3 May, (2048) 17
Biran, A. and Hyde, K. (2013) ‘New perspectives on dark tourism’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 7.3, 191-198
Buda, D. and McIntosh, A. (2013) ‘Dark tourism and voyeurism: tourist arrested for « spying » in Iran’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 7.3, 214-226
Budweg, S. (2013) Dark Tourism: Motive und Erscheinungsformen, Munich: GRIN Verlag
Coldwell, W. (2013) ‘Dark tourism: why murder sites and disaster zones are proving popular’, The Guardian, 31 October, <http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2013/oct/31/dark-tourism-murder-sites-disaster-zones> (accessed 4 March 2016)
Dick, M. (2013) Der Schwarze Tourismus – Eine Kritische Betrachtung, Bachelor’s thesis, GRIN Verlag
Podoshen, J. S. (2013) ‘Dark tourism motivations: simulation, emotional contagion and topographic comparison’, Tourism Management, 35, 263-271
Stone, P. (2013) ‘Dark tourism scholarship: a critical review’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7.3, 307-318
White L. and Frew, E. (2013) Dark Tourism and Place Identity: Managing and Interpreting Dark Places, London: Routledge
Carrigan, A. (2014) ‘Dark tourism and postcolonial studies: critical intersections’, Postcolonial Studies, 17.3, 236-250
Clarke, R., Dutton, J. and Johnston, A. (2014) ‘Shadow zones: dark travel and postcolonial cultures’, Postcolonial Studies, 17.3, 221-235
Giraldo Velásquez, C. M., Van Broeck, A. M., and Posada Hincapie, L. F. (2014) ‘El pasado polémico de los años ochenta como atractivo turístico en Medellín, Colombia/ The controversial past (the era of the eighties) of Medellin, Colombia, as tourist attraction’, Anuario Turismo y Sociedad, 15, 101-114
Hartmann, R. (2014) ‘Dark tourism, thanatourism, and dissonance in heritage tourism management: new directions in contemporary tourism research’, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 9.2, 166-182
Tézenas, A. (2014) Tourisme de la désolation, Arles: Actes Sud
Dunkley, R. (2015) ‘Beyond temporal reflections in thanatourism research’, Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 177-179
Johnston, T. (2015) ‘The geographies of thanatourism’, Geography, 100.1, 20-27
Johnston, T. and Mandelartz, P. (2015) Thanatourism: Case Studies in Travel to the Dark Side, Oxford: Goodfellow
Korstanje, M. (2015) ‘The Anthropology of Dark Tourism, Exploring the contradiction of Capitalism’, CERS Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Study, University of Leeds, UK, Working paper 22
Masako, F. (2015) ‘What does the rise of “dark tourism” mean?’, ABC, <http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/earshot/the-trouble-with-dark-tourism/6412726> (accessed 10 March 2016)
Podoshen, J. S., Venkatesh, V., Wallin, J., Andrzejewski, S. A., and Jin, Z. (2015) ‘Dystopian dark tourism: an exploratory examination’, Tourism Management, 51, 316-328
Podoshen, J. S., Andrzejewski, S. A., Venkatesh, V., and Wallin, J. (2015) ‘New approaches to dark tourism inquiry: a response to Isaac’, Tourism Management, 51, 331-334
‘Wish you weren’t here: dark tourism and memory’ (2015) ABC, <http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/earshot/dark-tourism/6391668> (accessed 11 March 2016)
Tinson, J.S., Saren, M.J., and Roth, B. E. (2015) ‘Exploring the role of dark tourism in the creation of national identity of young Americans’, Journal of Marketing Management, 31.7/8, 856-880
Edwards, J. (2016) ‘Dark tourism: death, disaster, suffering’ In C. Thompson (ed.) Routledge Companion to Travel Writing, London: Routledge Companion Series, Routledge, 1-19
Kerr, M. M. and Price, R. H. (2016) ‘Overlooked encounters: young tourists’ experiences at dark sites’, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 11.2, 177-185
Tzanelli, R. (2016) Thanatourism and Cinematic Representations of Risk: Screening the End of Tourism, London: Routledge
Hooper, G. and Lennon, J.J. (forthcoming 2017) Dark Tourism: Practice and Interpretation, London: Routledge
Reed, C.C. (n.d.) ‘Shedding Light on Dark Tourism’, Go Nomad, <http://www.gonomad.com/1047-shedding-light-on-dark-tourism> (accessed 4 March 2016).
Genocide, massacre and atrocity memorials, museums and tourism
‘Monument Against Fascism: Jochen Gerz and Esther Shalev-Gerz’ (1986) <http://www.gerz.fr/html/main.html?art_ident=76fdb6702e151086198058d4e4b0b8fc&> (accessed 20 March 2016)
Young, J.E. (1994) The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
Ashworth, G.J. (1996) ‘Holocaust tourism: the lessons of Krakow-Kazimierz’, in M. Robinson et al. (eds) Tourism and Culture Towards the 21st-Century Culture as the Tourist Product: Conference Proceedings. Sunderland: Business Education Publishers Ltd, 1-12
Becker, A. (1997) ‘Auschwitz-Birkenau comme “musée”: espace d’histoire, espace de mémoire?’, Tsafon: Revue d’études juives du Nord, 30/31, 109-28
Lennon, J.J. and Foley, M. (1999) ‘Interpretation of the unimaginable: the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C., and “dark tourism”’, Journal of Travel Research, 38.1, 46-50
Beech, J. (2000) ‘The enigma of holocaust sites as tourist attractions: the case of Buchenwald’, Managing Leisure, 5, 29-41
Cooke, S. (2000) ‘Negotiating memory and identity: the Hyde Park Holocaust Memorial, London’, Journal of Historical Geography, 26, 449-465
Lennon, J.J. and Foley, M (2000) Dark Tourism: The Attraction of Death and Disaster, Andover: Cengage
Miles, W. (2002) ‘Auschwitz: museum interpretation and darker tourism.’ Annals of Tourism Research, 29.4, 1175-1178
Young J.E. (2002) At Memory’s Edge: After-images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
Pollock, G. (2003) ‘Holocaust tourism: being there, looking back and the ethics of spatial memory’, in N. Lubbren and D. Couch (eds) Visual Culture and Tourism, London: Berg Publishers, 175-189
Ashworth, G.J. (2004) ‘Tourism and the heritage of atrocity: managing the heritage of South African Apartheid for entertainment’, in T.V. Singh, (ed.) New Horizons in Tourism: Strange Experiences and Stranger Practices, CAB International, 95-108
Kiernan, B. (2004) ‘Coming to terms with the past Cambodia’, History Today, 16-19 <http://www.yale.edu/cgp/Cambodia11.pdf> (accessed 18 March 2016)
Messham-Muir, K. (2004) ‘Dark visitations: the possibilities and problems of experience and memory in Holocaust museums’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, 5.1, 97-111
Sullivan, K. (2004) ‘Atomica world: the place of nuclear tourism’, in M. Sheller and J. Urry (eds) Tourism Mobilities: Places to Play, Places in Play, London: Routledge, 192-204
Becker, A. (2006) ‘The Emergence of the Concentrations Camps’, in M. Cattaruzza, M. Flores, S.L. Sullan and E. Traverso (eds) History of the Shoah: The Crisis of Europe, The Extermination of the Jews and the Memory of the Twentieth Century, vol.1 (Italian edition: Storia della Shoah: La crisi dell’Europa e lo sterminio degli ebrei, vol.1) Turin: UTET
Hughes, R. (2008) ‘Dutiful tourism: Encountering the Cambodian genocide’, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 49.3, 318-330
Beech, J. (2009) ‘Genocide tourism’, in R. Sharpley and P.R. Stone (eds) The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism, Bristol: Channel, 207-223
Dalton, D. (2009) ‘Encountering Auschwitz: a personal rumination on the possibilities and limitations of witnessing/remembering trauma in memorial space’, Law Text Culture, 13, 187-226
Thurnell-Read, T. (2009) ‘Engaging Auschwitz: an analysis of young travellers’ experiences of Holocaust tourism’, Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 1.1, 26-52
Broderick, M. (2010) ‘Topographies of trauma: dark tourism, world heritage and Hiroshima’, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 24.5, n.p. <http://intersections.anu.edu.au/issue24/broderick.htm> (accessed 1 September 2016)
Biran, A., Poria, Y., and Oren, G. (2011) ‘Sought experiences at (dark) heritage sites’, Annals of Tourism Research, 38.3, 820-841
Carden-Coyne, A. (2011) ‘The ethics of representation in Holocaust museums’, in J-M. Dreyfus and D. Langton (eds) Writing the Holocaust, London: Bloomsbury Publishing
Cohen, E.H. (2011) ‘Educational dark tourism at an in populo site – the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem’, Annals of Tourism Research, 38, 193-209
Copeland, C. (2011) ‘Madness and mayhem: the aesthetics of dark tourism’, Afterimage, 39(1/2), 43-46
Sharpley, R. (2012) ‘Towards an understanding of “genocide tourism”: an analysis of visitors’ accounts of their experience of recent genocide sites’, in R. Sharpley and P.R. Stone (eds) Contemporary Tourist Experience: Concepts and Consequences, London; New York: Routledge, 95-109
Bella, M.P.D. (2012) ‘Walking memory: Berlin’s “Holocaust Trail”’, Journeys, 13.2, 55-70
Bolin, A. (2012) ‘On the side of light: performing morality at Rwanda’s genocide memorials’, Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 7.3, 199-207
Du, W. (2012) ‘Tourism motivation for visiting dark tourism sites: a case study of the memorial to the victims of the Nanjing massacre’, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis (PhD), Glasgow Calendonian University
Ntunda, J. (2012) ‘Investigating the challenges of promoting dark tourism in Rwanda’, Unpublished Bachelor’s Thesis, Rwanda Tourism University College (http://www.grin.com/en/e-book/265137/investigating-the-challenges-of-promoting-dark-tourism-in-rwanda)
Lee, C.C. (2012) ‘Dark Tourism: Heritage Management in Kigali Memorial Centre, Rwanda’, International Hospitality and Tourism Student Journal, 4.1, 63-72
Oren, G. and Shani, A. (2012) ‘The Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum: educational dark tourism in a futuristic form’, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 7.3, 255-270
Cole, T. (2013) ‘(Re)visiting Auschwitz: (re)encountering the Holocaust in its landscapes’, Cultural History, 2.2, 232-246
Friedrich, M., and Johnston, T. (2013) ‘Beauty versus tragedy: thanatourism and the memorialisation of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide’, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 11.4, 302-320
Kidron, C.A. (2013) ‘Being there together: dark family tourism and the emotive experience of co-presence in the Holocaust past’, Annals of Tourism Research, 41, 175-194
Caswell, M. (2014) Archiving the Unspeakable: Silence, Memory, and the Photographic Record in Cambodia, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press
Koleth, M. (2014) ‘Hope in the dark: geographies of volunteer and dark tourism in Cambodia’, Cultural Geographies, 21.4, 681-694
Sahgal, N. (2014) ‘Dark tourism: the killing fields of Cambodia’, National Geographic Traveller India, <http://www.natgeotraveller.in/magazine/month/december-2014/dark-tourism-the-killing-fields-of-cambodia/> (accessed 23 March 2016)
Sharpley, R. and Gahigana, I. (2014) ‘Tourist experiences of genocide sites: the case of Rwanda’, Turističko poslovanje, 13, 61-78
Wight, A. C. (2014) ‘Tracking discourses of occupation and genocide in Lithuanian museums and sites of memory’, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis (PhD), University of Plymouth
Cole, T. (2015) ‘Holocaust tourism: the strange yet familiar/the familiar yet strange’, in D.I. Popescu and T. Schult (eds), Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era, New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
Golańska, D. (2015) ‘Affective spaces, sensuous engagements: in quest of a synaesthetic approach to “dark memorials’’’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21.8, 773-790
Stefaniak, A.C., Liyanage, S. and Powell, R. (2015) ‘Dark destinations – visitor reflections from a Holocaust memorial site’, International Journal of Tourism Cities, 1.4, 282-298
Sebba, A. (2016) ‘Women of Ravensbrück’ History Today, 66.1, 7
Slavery commemoration, tourism and memory
Roux, E. de (1996) ‘Le mythe de la Maison des Esclaves qui résiste à la réalité’, Le Monde, 2 December
Davis, O.D. (1997) ‘The Door of No Return: reclaiming the past through the rhetoric of pilgrimage’, The Western Journal of Black Studies, 21.3, 156-161
Roux, E. de (1998) ‘La discrète célébration du 150e anniversaire de l’abolition de l’esclavage’, Le Monde, April 5
Ebron, P.A. (1999) ‘Tourists as pilgrims: commercial fashioning of transatlantic politics’, American Ethnologist, 26.4, 910-932
Seaton, A.V. (2001) ‘Sources of slavery—destinations of slavery: the silences and disclosures of slavery heritage in the UK and US’, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 2.3/4, 107-129
Beech, J.G. (2001) ‘The marketing of slavery heritage in the United Kingdom’, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 2.3/4, 85-106
Chivallon, C. (2002) ‘Construction d’une mémoire relative à l’esclavage et instrumentalisation politique: le cas des anciens ports négriers de Bordeaux et Bristol’, Cahiers des Anneaux de la Mémoire, 4, 176-203
Chivallon, C. (2002) ‘L’émergence récente de la mémoire de l’esclavage dans l’espace public: enjeux et significations’, Cahiers d’Histoire, 89, 41-60, <http://chrhc.revues.org/index1534.html> (accessed 11 March 2016)
Dann, G.M.S. and Seaton, A.V. (2002) (eds) Slavery, Contested Heritage and Thanatourism, London: Routledge
Small, S. and Eichstedt, J.L. (2002) Representations of Slavery: Race and Ideology in Southern Plantation Museums, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press
Strachan, I.G. (2002) Paradise and Plantation: Tourism and Culture in the Anglophone Caribbean, Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press
Chivallon, C. (2005) ‘L’émergence récente de la mémoire de l’esclavage dans l’espace public: enjeux et significations’, Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 52.4a, 64-81
Richards, S.L. (2005) ‘What Is to Be Remembered? Tourism to Ghana’s Slave Castle-Dungeons’, Theatre Journal, 57.4, 617-637
Horton J.O. and Horton, L.E. (2006) (eds) Slavery and Public History: The Tough Stuff of American Memory, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Tillinac, D. (2006) (ed.) ‘Bordeaux, la traite et l’esclavage’, Report of the Comité de reflexion bordelais.
Vergès, F. (2006) ‘Le Comité pour la mémoire de l’esclavage’, Cités, 25, 167-169
Glissant, E. (2007) Mémoires des esclavages: la fondation d’un centre national pour la mémoire des esclavages et de leurs abolitions, Paris: Gallimard and La Documentation Française
Schramm, K. (2007) ‘Slave route projects: tracing the heritage of slavery in Ghana’, in F. de Jong and M. Rowlands (eds) Alternative Imaginaries of Memory in West Africa, London: Left Coast Press, 71-98
Curtius, A.D. (2008) ‘À Fort-de-France les statues ne meurent pas’, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 11.1/2, 87-106
Dubois, L. (2008) ‘Haunting Delgrès’, in D. Walkowitz (ed.) Race, Nation and Memory in Public Space, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 312-28
Garraway, D.L. (2008) ‘Memory as reparation? the politics of remembering slavery in France from abolition to the Loi Taubira’, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 11.3, 365-386
Rice, A. (2009) ‘Museums, memorials and plantation houses in the Black Atlantic: slavery and the development of dark tourism’, in R. Sharpley and P.R. Stone (eds) The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism, Bristol: Channel View Publications, 224-246
Araujo, A.L. (2010) Public Memory of Slavery: Victims and Perpetrators in the South Atlantic, Amherst, NY: Cambria Press
Araujo, A. L. (2010) ‘Welcome the diaspora: slave trade heritage tourism and the public memory of slavery’, Ethnologies, 32.2, 145-178
Chivallon, C. (2010) ‘Resurgence of the memory of slavery in france: issues and significations of a public and academic debate’, in A.L. Araujo (ed) Living History: Encountering the Memory of the Heirs of Slavery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 83-97
Conseil Général de la Guadeloupe (c.2010) La Route de l’Esclave: Traces-mémoires en Guadeloupe, <http://www.cg971.fr/images/stories/CULTURE_ET_PATRIMOINE/RouteEsclave/PDF/livret.pdf> (accessed 11 March 2016)
Medhurst, M.J. (2010) ‘George W. Bush at Goree Island: American slavery and the rhetoric of redemption’, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 96.3, 257-277
Rice, A. (2010) Creating Memorials, Building Identities: The Politics of Memory in the Black Atlantic, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press
Yankholmes, A. B. and Akyeampong, O. A. (2010) ‘Tourists’ perceptions of heritage tourism development in Danish-Osu, Ghana’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 12.5, 603-616
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Poverty and slum tourism
Jaguaribe, B. and Hetherington, K. (2004) ‘Favela tours: indistinct and maples representations of the real in Rio de Janeiro’, in M. Sheller and J. Urry (eds) Tourism Mobilities: Places to Play, Places in Play, London: Routledge, 155-166
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Dark tourism and travel writing
O’Rourke, P.J. (1989) Holidays in Hell. London: Picador
Urry, J. (2004) ‘Death in Venice’, in M. Sheller and J. Urry (eds) Tourism Mobilities: Places to Play, Places in Play, London: Routledge, 205-215
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Alexandra, D. M., Alexandru, C. and Larisa, T. (2014) ‘Dark tourism, Romania and Dracula: the perceptions of potential American tourists’, Annals of The University Of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 23.1, 309-319
Burroughs, R. (2014) ‘Weird farang thing: dark tourism in Alex Garland’s The Beach (1996)’, Postcolonial Studies, 17(3) 320-333
Buda, D. and Shim, D. (2014) ‘Desiring the dark: ‘a taste for the unusual’ in North Korean tourism?’, Current Issues In Tourism, 18.1, (online publication) <http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2014.948813> (accessed 2 September 2016)
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Eyre, T. (2015) North Korea 2002, Enfield: The Nihilist Amateur Press
Sirisena, H. (2015) ‘Confessions of a dark tourist’, Michigan Quarterly Review, 54.3, 339-352
Disaster tourism
Lennon, J.J. and Foley, M. (2003) ‘The spectacularization of dark tourism: photojournalism, deontology and commemoration in the visitation of sites of mass disaster’ in V. Lavoie (ed.) NOW. Images of Present Time, Montreal, Quebec: Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal, 204-223
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Molokáčová L. and Molokáč, S. (2011) ‘New phenomenon – dark tourism’, Acta Geoturistica, 2.1, 1-7
Sather-Wagstaff, J. (2011) Heritage that Hurts: Tourists in the Memoryscapes of September 11, London: Routledge
Schmehl, K.U. (2012) Tourismus mit Beigeschmack: Dark Tourism am explodierten Reaktor in Tschernobyl, Munch: GRIN Verlag
Antick, P. (2013) ‘Bhopal to Bridgehampton: schema for a disaster tourism event’, Journal of Visual Culture, 12.1, 165-185
Coats, A. and Ferguson, S. (2013) ‘Rubbernecking or rejuvenation: post earthquake perceptions and the implications for business practice in a dark tourism context’, Journal of Research for Consumers, 23, 32-65
Stone, P.R (2013) ‘Dark tourism, heterotopias and post-apocalyptic places: the case of Chernobyl’, in L. White and E. Frew (eds) Dark Tourism and Place Identity, Melbourne: Routledge, 79-94
Biran, A., Liu, W., Li, G. and Eichhorn, V. (2014) ‘Consuming post-disaster destinations: the case of Sichuan, China’, Annals Of Tourism Research, 47, 1-17
Chang, T. (2014) ‘Dark tourism: the effects of motivation and environmental attitudes on the benefits of experience’, Revista Internacional De Sociologia, 72, 69-86
Koshiro, S. (2014) ‘Geoparks as sites for dark tourism’, E-Journal GEO, 9.1, 73-83
Tang, Y. (2014) ‘Dark touristic perception: motivation, experience and benefits interpreted from the visit to seismic memorial sites in Sichuan province’, Journal of Mountain Science, 11.5, 1326-1341
Wright, D. (2014) ‘Residents’ perceptions of “dark” tourism development: the case of L’Aquila, Italy’, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis (PhD), University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
Yankovska, G., and Hannam, K. (2014) ‘Dark and toxic tourism in the Chernobyl exclusion zone’, Current Issues In Tourism, 17.10, 929-939
Becker, A. (2015) ‘Les musées de catastrophes’, in D. Bechtel and L. Jurgenson (eds) Muséographie des violences en Europe centrale et ex-URSS, Paris: Editions de l’EHESS
Rico, T. (2016) Constructing Destruction: Heritage Narratives in the Tsunami City (Critical Cultural Heritage Series) London: Routledge
Wright, D. and Sharpley, R. (2016) ‘Local community perceptions of disaster tourism: the case of L’Aquila, Italy’, Current Issues in Tourism, (online publication) <http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2016.1157141> (accessed 2 September 2016)
Yan, B.J., Zhang, J., Zhang, H.L., Lu, S.J. and Guo, Y.R. (2016) ‘Investigating the motivation-experience relationship in a dark tourism space: a case study of the Beichuan earthquake relics, China’ Tourism Management, 53, 108-121
Pilgrimage as dark tourism: mass murder and celebrity death
Foley, M. and Lennon, J.J. (1996) ‘JFK and dark tourism: a fascination with assassination’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2.4, 198-211
Blom, T. (2000) ‘Morbid tourism: a postmodern market niche with an example from Althorp’, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 54.1, 29-36
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Seaton, A.V. (2002) ‘Thanatourism’s final frontiers? internment sites and memorials as sacred and secular pilgrimage’, Tourism Recreation Research, 27.2, 73-82
Gibson, D. (2006) ‘The relationship between serial murder and the American tourism industry’, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 20.1, 45-60
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Levitt, L. (2010) ‘Death on display: reifying stardom through Hollywood’s dark tourism’, Velvet Light Trap: A Critical Journal of Film and Television, 65, 62-70
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Levitt, L. (2012). ‘Solemnity and celebration: dark tourism experiences at Hollywood Forever Cemetery’, Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism and Recreation Research, 4.1, 20-25
Stone, P.R. (2012) ‘Dark tourism and significant other death: towards a model of mortality mediation’, Annals of Tourism Research, 39.3, 1565-1587
Goulding, C., Saren, M. and Lindridge, A. (2013) ‘Reading the body at von Hagen’s “body worlds”’, Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 306-330
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Bickerdike, J.O. (2014) Fandom, Image and Authenticity: Joy, Devotion and the Second Lives of Kurt Cobain and Ian Curtis, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
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McMorran, C. (2015) ‘Between fan pilgrimage and dark tourism: competing agendas in overseas field learning’, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 39.4, 568-583
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Dark tourism, public memory and museology
Austin, N. (2002) ‘Managing heritage attractions: marketing challenges at sensitive historical sites’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 4, 447-457
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Brown, J. (2013) ‘Dark tourism shops: selling “dark” and “difficult” products’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7.3, 272-280
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Ruins, decay and dark tourist sites
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Lavery, C. and Gough, R. (2015) (eds) On Ruins and Ruination – Special Issue of Performance Research, 20.3
Dark tourism and development of the heritage sector
Morales Cano, L. and Mysyk, A. (2004) ‘Cultural tourism, the state, and Day of the Dead’, Annals of Tourism Research, 31.4, 879-898
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Garcia, B.R. (2012) ‘Management issues in dark tourism attractions: the case of ghost tours in Edinburgh and Toledo’, Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism and Recreation Research, 4.1, 14-19
Issac, R.K. and Ashworth, G.J. (2012) ‘Moving from pilgrimage to “dark” tourism: leveraging tourism in Palestine’, Tourism, Culture and Communication, 11, 149-164
Farmaki, A. (2013) ‘Dark tourism revisited: a supply/demand conceptualisation’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 7.3, 281-292
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