Full of tracks, the landscape is the medium of a latent memory. In the individual experience, it is its frame: we know the place, without knowing the past necessarily. This text explores the functioning of the landscaped hermeneutics in the poetry of ruins, but also sketchs the cultural story of a «landscape perception» during the 1960s in Central Europe, on the Czech example (two Vladimír Holan poems, finding its reflection in the contemporary paintpainting, in particular the work of Adriena Simotová).
Key words: tracks, latent memory, hermeneutics, poetry of ruins, 1960s, Central Europe, czech culture, Vladimír Holan, Adriena Šimotová.
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Galmiche, Xavier, 2009, Vladimír Holan, le bibliothécaire de Dieu (Prague 1905-1980), Paris, Institut d’Etudes slaves.
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Holan, Vladimír, 1967, « Bdí a ví », Na sotnách : verše z let 1961-1965, Prague, Československý spisovatel. Tr. fr. À l’article, traduit par Xavier Galmiche, Les Cabannes, fissile, 2014.
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