La relève de Saul

Philippe MesnardUniversité Clermont Auvergne (UCA) / CELIS EA 4280, Institut Universitaire de France
Paru le : 29.04.2017

SAUL’S HERITAGE / Before analysing the Son of Saul, this paper endeavours to situate it within the series of fictional movies that examined the Sonderkommando, mentioning them within their plots. It thereby demonstrates how most of the films failed to represent these men. They were either disqualified as the worst kind of Nazi collaborators, or reduced to heroic fighters in the October 7, 1944 uprising; in either case, no insight or clarity was provided regarding their living conditions. From the ’80s until now, some documentaries –Lanzmann’s Shoah among them– have attempted to approach and characterise the genocide through the experience of the Sonderkommando.

Consequently, the position of these men has begun to be re-evaluated. In that sense, Son of Saul, which is fictional, breaks out of both the horizon of expectation and the aesthetic models used by the previous movies. It has opened new possibilities to ponder what those so-called “special squads” were.

Key words: aesthetic models, collaboration, documentary, fiction, heroic fighters, horizon of expectation.


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