In situ, c’est-à-dire en face : le camp de Drancy

Annaïg LefeuvreMémorial de la Shoah-Drancy
Paru le : 29.11.2017


This article questions what is at stake at the opening of the Shoah Memorial in Drancy in 2012. The modern museum is built just opposite the “Cité de la Muette”, the building of the former camp which was the main internment and transit camp for Jews in France between 1941 and 1944, located at about 8 miles from Paris. Restored in 1947, the building of the former camp is still used for housing. How do history, memory, housing and tourism coexist in this shared area?

Key words : Drancy camp; Jews of France; site of memory; dark tourism; tourism of memory; memory architecture memorialization.


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