« Du désespoir à l’optimisme ». Comment faire du clair avec de l’obscur ?

Valérie RosouxUniversité catholique de Louvain
Paru le : 29.11.2017


This paper is rooted in experiences that are closely or remotely related to dark tourism. It addresses the role played by third parties in the aftermath of war. The study is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the concept of reconciliation. It summaries the major approaches to post-war reconciliation, namely a rapprochement based on interests, on the transformation of representations or on forgiveness. The second part shows that, among these approaches, the last one seems to be the one which arouses the admiration of third parties. This part describes the fascination that results from both acts of extreme dehumanization and from various forms of redemption. The conclusion questions the consequences of such fascination.

Keywords: forgiveness, healing, post-conflict, Rwanda, reconciliation, redemption, third Parties.


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