Collaboration et épuration en URSS durant la « Grande Guerre Patriotique »

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Nicolas WerthCNRS IHTP
Paru le : 29.04.2020

The question of collaboration in the USSR during WWII remains an under-researched topic, often reduced to General Vlassov’s treason. In fact, collaboration in the USSR under Nazi occupation – an incomparably harsher occupation than in Western European countries – was a much wider and complex phenomenon, which involved up to one million Soviet citizens. This paper examines the different forms of collaboration, compromise, and survival strategies experimented by occupied Soviet citizens and the wide range of retribution imposed by the Soviet authorities after the reconquest, by the Red Army, of occupied territories. It also discusses the continuity of the different forms of retribution with the pre-war political purges.

Key words: collaboration, occupation, Red Army, survival strategies, USSR, Vlassov, WWII.


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